Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Friday, May 12, 2017

Short and Long Vowels and Sneaky e

Short and Long Vowels and Sneaky e
We learned how to code short vowels and long vowels today.  Short vowels get a breve.  It looks like a smiley face.  That's because the vowel is happy it's making it's first sound.  Long vowels get a macron.  It looks like a minus sign.  It means it will say it's name.  We got to eat grapes for working hard on our phonics!  Grape has a long a, and a sneaky e at the end.

Friday, May 5, 2017

Wonder Day

Wonder Day
The best part of Wonder Day was learning why crayons color stuff!  We melted the crayons with blow dryers!  We didn't know that could happen!  They turn into something like paint! That's why they color!  When they heat up when you use them on the paper, the color comes off!